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Psychic & Divine Workshop

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Saturday 12th July 2025

The Memorial Hall

Trimley St. Martin, Felixstowe, Suffolk IP11 0RJ

10am to 4pm

Come and join us for an informative, hands-on day of learning & experience!

Come and enjoy a full day on our new Psychic & Divine Workshop. It will be a hands-on, informative day of practicing with your psychic abilities, and learning about your Divine purpose and reasons for being here at this time.

We all have psychic abilities, whatever we believe about that, and now that the vibrations of our planet are rising we have better connections to them than ever before! 

We will be using specific tools throughout the day to practice and help you to start working with this energy. It is like any muscle in our bodies, we have to work at it to make it stronger. The more you work at honing in this ability, the stronger it will become.

Toni will also be giving two talks during the day. She has received much guidance and inspiration from the Spirit Realms over 25 years which she will use to help you to understand about your Divinity, Divine Purpose and reasons for being here at this time. It helps give meaning to the day and why you have access to your Psychic abilities.

There will also be a short talk on Spirit Guides and how important it is to receive their help and guidance on our life's journey, they really can make a difference!

However, this is very much an interactive day, so don't be daunted by your ego mind telling you you won't be able to do it, we'll introduce you to the tools that can help you to practice in your own time, in your own home, with two to take away with you to get going!

We will be working with:

  • Pendulums

  • ESP (Zener) Cards

  • Dice (Clareomancy)

  • Ribbons - To practice Ribbon Readings

  • Psychometry - Using objects to read imprinted energies

  • There will also be information about Chakras and Chakra Health



Toni does extensive work in the Akashic records helping people resolve issues and karma at a soul level.

With your permission, she will also access your Akashic (Soul) Record, prior to the workshop, to find out your own personal PRIMARY ENERGY CENTRE. There are 8 soul energy centres that form the matrix of the soul, one of these centres is turned into your Primary Energy Centre. Knowing what this centre is, will outline your soul’s primary skills, gifts and qualities, helping you to align these strengths into your journey! This is an incredible bonus!

You will also receive and keep a full information folder, notebook & pen, pendulum, set of dice, and a small gift for being part of the day!

The cost of the workshop is just £55, giving you a wealth of information, hands-on experience, some psychic tools to take home and a valuable piece of personal soul information!

If you have chosen to come along, please can you bring along a small object, if you have one, that belongs or belonged to someone you know a bit about. We will be using these when we practice our Psychometry readings. All things absorb energy, so it is entirely possible to be able to tune into the residual energies of an object to find out about the person it belonged to.

Refreshments will be provided, but please bring along your own lunch. Free parking is available at the Hall.

Can you afford not to join us?

Please fill out the form below to book your space. The details are required in order for Toni to accurately access your soul record to find out your information for you. If you would like to come along but do not wish Toni to access your Akashic Record, please choose that option from the drop-down menu.

We look forward to meeting and working with you!

The payment is set up for Paypal, however, if you prefer to send the payment via Bank Transfer, here are the details:

Bank:  TSB

Payee: Toni Jehan

Account: 25427060

Sort: 77-66-25

Ref: PDW

Make sure to fill out the form below, click submit, then click 'pay offline'. Click submit again and I will then receive your form. Then complete the bank transfer using the details above.

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