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Welcome to our Awareness Group 

 Awareness, Awakening, Purpose & Perception


Venue to be Confirmed

7pm - 9pm

Starting Soon



The group will meet every other Monday evening from 7pm to 9pm for a duration of 10 weeks.

Come and join me for 10 weeks of unfolding awareness, working together as a small group, to unravel the web of intricate perceptions that have kept you blind and separated from your true and powerful identity! Let me impart to you the many years of Guidance given to me, that have reached a point where this information is more important than ever!


This Awareness Group is the culmination of many years of personal self-development. I have been inspired with guidance from the Higher Spirit Realms which has brought me to a place of understanding and awareness of our ongoing journey both individually, and for mankind as a whole.


We are at a pivotal point in our evolution now where we need to step up the speed of our unfolding awareness and prepare ourselves and those around us for the very real changes that are taking place right now and into the future. The centuries have been leading us to this time of a shift in the vibration of our Earth, and us as its inhabitants. This is an exciting time to be incarnated, an auspicious time of witnessing unprecedented change. You chose to be here at this time, that is no accident, it is time to listen to your soul's calling, to literally wake up and embrace your part in this unfolding, amazing transformation!

Attending the Group

I aim for the group to begin in March, meeting every other Monday evening for approximately 10 weeks at Felixstowe. I will confirm the venue once I have sufficient interest for the group. 

Cost of Attending

A payment of £10 will be payable on the evening

How can it benefit you?


First, you have to be aware of your own thought processes and beliefs and how they prevent you from accessing and claiming your power in all situations in your life. I aim to cover this process together as a gradual unfoldment, identifying the mass misperceptions that none of us question. We will look at the true meaning of your life purpose and there are exercises and short visualisations we will do together to work to bring you answers and understanding to help make sense of the chaos taking place all around us.


All you will need for this group is an open mind, a willingness to be shown another way, which you are then empowered to accept or reject. It takes you from the basic questioning of everything we accept as a fact, through an engaging process of unfolding awareness as we go through.  This information will hopefully arm you with the awareness and confidence to go forward on your journey.


This is an informal evening that invites questions and discussion, where you will hopefully make bonds and friendships with like-minded people to connect with going forward.


If you are interested, please fill out the form below and I will get back to you when we have sufficient numbers and a confirmed venue.

Love and blessings,


Toni Jehan 

Group Instructor

Privacy Policy

Please note that all information received throughout the Soul Realignment and Living Beyond Perception Course process is fully compliant with the new General Data Protection Regulations of May 2018. Please see our privacy policy below.

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