About Us
Sunflower Angels
Previously known as Soul Whispers, Sunflower Angels are two ladies well down on their pathway of working for Spirit.
Meeting through mutual friends, events took an unusual twist they both were not expecting. After striking a fantastic
friendship, they realised they had practically lived parallel lives and acknowledged a much deeper soul connection.
Today, they share a wonderful life partnership.
We are the Sunflower Angels, often known to our dearest friends and family as "The Girls", and we look forward to sharing the guidance and knowledge we have received with you to help you along your own unique path.
What are our aims and visions?
Our aim is to help people who have little or no awareness of ‘Spirit’ or a greater life purpose, to take their first steps on the road to awareness. We aim to offer a new way of looking at the world and provide the tools to make positve changes for yourselves and those around you.
We have found that most people have had an experience at some time during their lives that has made them fearful or inquisitive about all things ‘other worldly’. We aim to demystify the process of opening to spiritual awareness, showing how natural most events are and how spirit are waiting patiently to help and guide us to peaceful, joyful, abundant lives.
We have put together packages and events that help in the unfoldment of your spiritual pathway, most of which are in the comfort of your own home! We also provide Tarot Readings that can be carried out in our home in Felixstowe, Suffolk or your own home or why not get some friends together and have a Tarot Reading Party! Please have a browse through our Services and Online Store for more details and great new age giftware.
We hope we can be of help to you on your journey.
We were proud to be featured in Jan 2017's edition of
Read our story HERE
Toni - My Story
This is an interesting section to tackle for me. Because of the way I understand things at this time, it all seems fairly irrelevant to give vast amounts of detail or 'facts' about the body 'I' currently occupy as learning about someone's physical form really doesn't tell you anything that’s really important. The whole process of learning through our Spiritual development is geared towards the shift away from the importance of the body as the sole purpose of the journey. I also know however, that it is 'human nature' to want to know a bit about someone. So for the record, my name here is Toni Jehan. I live in the County of Suffolk, East of England. I write poetry, much of it Spiritually inspired; I suddenly find myself reaching for a pen and a poem unfolds of itself, usually with an important message or significance to impart. My personal journey was 'normal' up to about the age of 35, when I suddenly started having strong feelings of discontent and was driven by a gnawing insistence that there was something I was meant to be doing, but had no idea what.
Once I acknowledged this, the Universe began bringing together a long series of 'coincidences' that over time have brought me to different healing and development circles, being a channel for the healing energy, involvement with my local Spiritualist Church offering guidance as a channel for the Divine Service. I've had much to learn, and chosen the difficult way on many occasions, we may gain understanding but never stop learning. I find myself now at a place of trust and certainty, acknowledging 'who' I really am, knowing that I have only one purpose and embracing where it leads. I am not clairvoyant, my mediumship is connected to the 'Higher realms', I receive much guidance and information about our journey here as a 'human race'. I have used, and continue to use, the Tarot as a means of bringing guidance, but I am also being prompted now to take this a step further, to reach out and connect with those of you who are ready to be awakened to a whole new perception and understanding of our reasons for being, our true and only purpose here. If this is you, I look forward to connecting with you on your journey.
Julie - My Story
My spiritual journey was really acknowledged by me when my nanna died in 1999, things changed dramatically for me. It was hard for me to accept that someone I had a very close connection with was no longer there. It was then that I realised that she will always be there, always with me, but in a better pain-free place. She has from then and still does guide me and help me with life's decisions, together with my other grandparents, they all form an unstoppable force that I will always be blessed to have support me.
I took to the healing path and qualified in Reiki at Master level and became a Rahanni Celestial Healing Teacher. Then I gained certification as a Reikara Practitioner and a Egyptian Seichem Practioner. Lastly, I qualified as an Indian Head Massage Practitioner after thinking that people would prefer a more hands-on therapy, but this is definitely not the case.
I've always had a big interest and connection to angels and decided to start my own business under Angelic Delights which literally sold everything angelic! I then wanted to create items to put my own energies and stamp on, so I created Angelic Designs. This allowed me to give something personal, surrounded by my energies before reaching its destination. I still have my love of Angels, but having since met my soul-mate and business partner, I opted to incorporate them into one unique business that we share together - Sunflower Angels. Since I've always been someone who likes to make tangible items that people can appreciate, I created a new business called Expressional Heart, still under the umbrella of Sunflower Angels, this allowed me to express my creative side, move forward in a more artist way allowing my guides to work through me to produce unique pieces of art.