Inspired Guidance Series - Slide Puzzles: The Picture of our Lives
The Guidance in this booklet, and other booklets in this series, was lovingly inspired from those gentle beings of Light in Spirit, during meditations over many years.
The time has now become apparent for this information to be collated and made available for as many people as possible.
This guidance focuses on the image given by Spirit of a simple child's toy called a Slide Puzzle, do you remember those? Having received this image, I was astounded to see the depth of wisdom about our lives, that was woven around this toy with its rich, deep and meaningful symbolism.
Here we examine three deepening levels of meaning, each representing a pathway that many will follow and hopefully progress on from. We ask many leading questions, such as: 'What is the bigger picture?, 'Are we aware that there is a picture of our lives to bring together?' ' Do we know what we are looking for and where to search?' Come and join me on a picture of discovery, you will not be able to look at a slide puzzle in quite the same way again!
We hope you enjoy this guidance and find it of value to you on your journey here at this time.
Subjects covered:
About the Guidance
Acknowledging the Image
Three Tiered Meaning - Level 1
A Shift in Consciousness
Following the Path - Level 2
The Bigger Picture - Level 3
Another Focus back
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