Inspired Guidance Series - Asking for Help
The Guidance in this booklet, and other booklets in this series, was lovingly inspired from those gentle beings of Light in Spirit, during meditations over many years.
The time has now become apparent for this information to be collated and made available for as many people as possible.
Asking for help from Spirit may seem a very natural thing to do for some of us, for others however, it may be something that has never been thought about or realised as a very genuine way of gaining assistance with life's problems. Fear of the unknown can play a huge part in keeping us distanced from the help that is always there for us.
This Guidance looks more closely into the issue of asking for help. What help is available? How can we access it? Who are we actually asking for help from? Are we worthy of receiving it? We build our lives on judgements about ourselves and others, often to our detriment, cutting ourselves off from our needs because of our own belief systems. It is hoped this Guidance will bring clarity on this whole issue.
We hope you enjoy this guidance and find it of value to you on your journey here at this time.
Subjects covered:
About the Guidance
What does this mean?
The God issue - Beyond religion
When should we ask?
How do we receive help?
In Summary - Who hears our call?
How do we ask for help?
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